Cristine Lagarde likely to avoid jail time, keep IMF job

KW: Reprinted using slightly altered commentary from Jim Rickards

For those who follow developments in the international monetary system Lagarde is a towering figure. As Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, IMF, she is arguably the most powerful banker in the world. The IMF does not bailout companies or banks — they bail out entire countries. Their loans are not in the billions of dollars but the tens of billions. The IMF uses its lending resources to exert enormous political influence. For example, the IMF recently made loans to Ukraine and Afghanistan, both countries that have endured U.S. interventions. Those countries are completely non-creditworthy by any objective standard, but the loans help to bolster U.S. foreign policy and that’s why there were made. The IMF even has its own printing press. The can print world money, the SDR, whenever they like. So, what is Christine Lagarde up to these days? For one thing, she’s about to stand trial in France on negligence charges for the misuse of public funds. The charges include possible jail time or a suspended jail sentence. Observers don’t expect Lagarde to actually spend time in jail (but who knows?). Still, the fact that this is happening at all is a sad testament to the corruption and conflicts that exist at the highest levels of the monetary system. By the way, Lagarde is not alone. Janet Yellen is also the target of a criminal investigations involving leaks of inside information to an investment advisor

Christine Lagarde is likely to avoid jail time and keep her job as head of the International Monetary Fund after she was ordered to stand trial in France on charges that carry a potential prison term.

Source: Cristine Lagarde likely to avoid jail time, keep IMF job