The farcical horror story that is the U.S. Presidential Election is soon to be over but the farcical goings on do not end with the announcement that a criminal is now President of the most powerful bully nation on earth. There is overwhelming evidence that Hillary Clinton should already be behind bars but the U.S. is now a country without law and order being adhered to from the top down to the violent streets of places like Chicago and the Bronx. The Department of Justice and FBI are demonstrably politicised so where does that leave the man on the street, he has no example of justice being metered out, the future bleak for him.

We have witnessed a campaign that is simply dog dirty, the reporting of which is the most disgraceful example of polarised media propaganda ever. Not once have we heard an even remotely positive story about the Trump campaign, the media only reporting negative things about him and going to lengths to dredge up anything negative. Despite the often sensible things he has said to packed out audiences in the largest of stadiums, not one mention has been made of this. On the other hand they have promoted Clinton in a manner that not even her bribed or stolen millions could afford to buy, covering up the fact that she has an on going illness and failing to explore in any sense her culpability in operating a private email server while Secretary of State and running a ‘pay to show’ arrangement so that the Clinton Foundation is the recipient of funding from even the poorest of countries but also the likes of Saudi Arabia and Qatar doing arms deals that ultimately benefit ISIS and Al Qaeda. Meanwhile coverage of her sparsely populated campaign meetings disguise the fact that she has so few people turning up to hear her while Trump is turning away thousands sometimes even 2 hours ahead of his presentations.

Frankly it has been sickening the biased media treatment of this campaign, but what can you expect when the media and the presstitutes in it are owned by the very people who want Clinton elected so that they can continue the looting of the middle classes as they have done for the past decade.

Former President Jimmy Carter summed it up when he said the President has little influence and no power because America is run by an oligarchy. Former President Eisenhower in his final speech as President in 1961 warned of this industrial /military oligarchy becoming all powerful

and John F Kennedy threatened to break it into 1000 pieces before he was taken out and silenced. Trump rightly pointed out that this oligarchy is the corporate elites, the military industrial complex and the Wall Street bankers combined who have paid for and own Hillary Clinton. The reason Trump has been trashed is because they don’t own him he has been his own man, paid for himself to get where he has risen to. Perhaps if hadn’t sounded off in his narcissistic way so often he would have even more traction but in any event no matter how popular he will not be allowed to win the election, it is rigged from the start.

Clinton campaigned on pursuing and removing the democratically elected President of Syria, President Assad and of taking on Russia having successfully demonised Russia as the source of the embarrassing Wikileaks hacks, denied by Wikileaks, so that mainstream America believe this unsubstantiated story as fact when there is no evidence produced proving it. We can therefore expect this to happen, war with Russia will result. The U.S. has had a habit of attacking and invading smaller comparatively defenseless countries like Vietnam, Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Somalia and Syria creating chaos and despair wherever U.S. bombs reign down but Russia is supporting the Syrian Government forces legitimately and legally so the military industrial complex’s ambitions now include driving Russia, a nuclear armed powerful force, into submission to U.S. demands. The cold war is already in place with U.S. imposed economic sanctions on Russia on trumped up charges about Crimea (No pun intended), a hot war to follow? Now all life on earth is at risk, the insane oligarchs and neocons believe they can win a nuclear war with Russia. They are completely mad.

But this is likely the next President of United States; payback to her financial backers will be expected so we should count on her delivering on what she has campaigned to do. Another example is this: Trump slammed the TPPA ‘trade’ agreement for what these agreements deliver – more American jobs to overseas low wage countries which is what it will do for every country including New Zealand because it is Treaty for the corporates to do as they wish and over ride national sovereign laws including America’s. Trade gains are delusional. Clinton once she realised that Sanders had gained great traction with his opposition to TPPA switched to being opposed but no one believes this – she is owned by the corporates and will switch to ensure they get their reward.

Our New Zealand government under John Key disgracefully kowtows to U.S. expectations and demands. Why? He learned his craft on Wall Street and is part of that system. The U.S. is no great democratic country to look up to, this election has proved quite the opposite. It is no moral leader, its political corruption is laid bare and it has no right to claim the role of ‘international policeman’ as the corrupt Obama declares. Indeed U.S. policies and influence should be opposed and resisted everywhere as they seek to impose their ‘new world order’. There is nothing desirable the U.S. can show the rest of us, this election has shown the rest of the world that it deserves no respect forthwith for putting up two candidates that should be the very last types to be on any ballot papers, both are insults to not only American people but to the rest of the world as well, and presenting a criminal as a potential ‘leader’ of the ‘free world’. Hideous indeed! On top of this such dirty and rigged electioneering where justice is seen not to be delivered from the highest echelons with the Attorney General Loretta Lynch tarnished and the FBI’s James Comey now a laughing stock. Why should any of us give the U.S. any respect? Attention to what is likely to unfold ‘yes’ but respect ‘no’.

Malcolm Eves
