The governments plan to steal your money: The Deep State’s Attempt To Suppress India’s Gold Demand | Investment Research Dynamics

KW: Followers of markets will know that gold has been stuggling of recent months, indeed Harry Dent of Dent Research is actually saying ‘sell out now’ before its too late as gold is heading down to $700/once or lower in light of Indian governments moves lately. While the gold price has fallen below $1,200/once it has taken a massive effort ot get it down there. On November 17 we posted an interview with gold trader Ron Kirby who stated that in the first attack on gold shortly after Trumps win when the gold price was strengthening, 8,000 tons (equivalent to all of the USA’s reported gold reserves) of gold had been sold into the paper market on the previous night. Since then there has been a second attack on gold with over 50,000 short contracts sold into the paper market in a matter of minutes but we note that despite this gross manipulation by cental bank authorites and there bullion bank cohorts the price of gold has only just been knocked back below $1,200/once. I am wondering ‘why is gold now not completely flattened and trading at just a few dollars/once?’ Depsite these attacks gold is holding onto roughly where it has been for some time now ($1,172/once 01/12/16) and opposing Dents view are people like Jim Rickards who is predicting a huge surge in the price of gold to several thosands of dollars/once and Doug Casey of Casey Research who is arguing great financial upheavals ahead due to European Union instability, starting this weekend December 4th following the Italian Referendum. One view will be right, the other wrong.

To this article that should alert you to exactly what is behind the rampant move to a cashless society. It’s here in New Zealand already as ASB Bank is advertising now childrens saving ‘piggy banks’ but ‘no cash’.

The primary objective of the Indian currency demonetization was to sharply reduce gold demand in the world’s most important retail market, India, one that is controlled by the Deep State oligarchy …

Source: The Deep State’s Attempt To Suppress India’s Gold Demand | Investment Research Dynamics