Maori Marine/Coastal Grab: Marine and Coastal Area Application

KW: The National Government has been and still is folding to outrageous land grabs and demands for historical grievance compensation under the flogging horse called the Treaty of Waitangi. It is absolutely true that early settlers created dreadful injustices against maori but such behaviour is not apparent now in the 21st century baring the problem the nation has in dealing with an overwhelming number of maori who are incarcerated in prisons. That is a problem that needs a solution quickly. Despite settling past grievances with $billions the minority maori continue to claim control of vast areas including these waterways.

Is this now the cry we hear in Minister Findlaysons office?

We Will Take From Them The Beaches

We Will Take From Them The Foreshore;

We Will Take From Them The Islands;

We Will Take From Them The Water;

We Will Take From Them The Land;

We Will Take From Them The Rivers;

We Will Take From Them The Mountains;

We Will Push Them Into The Sea.