China fights a losing war against the “impossible trinity”… could be broke within a year

KW: From Jim Rickards newsletter, The “impossible trinity” is an economic concept developed by the great economist Robert Mundell in the early 1960s. Mundell said that a country could not have an open capital account, fixed exchange rate and an independent monetary policy all at the same time without causing a reserve crisis. The idea…

5 Arrested After Egyptian Police Bust Staged Photo Shoot Of “Wounded Aleppo Children” | Zero Hedge

KW: Who would have guessed? After the BBC were caught out making fake videos in Aleppo maybe they thought it is best to do the fake video making in another country completely? This is why you should always double-check any media reports involving images of Source: 5 Arrested After Egyptian Police Bust Staged Photo Shoot…

The Striking Audacity of the Coup-in-Process — Paul Craig Roberts –

KW: This prognosis is astounding and here in NZ we have no idea of the magnitude of these claims. It seems a preposterous notion that this could be happening BUT watch for dramatic developments to unfold The Striking Audacity of the Coup-in-Process Paul Craig Roberts Unsubstantiated stories have been planted throughout the presstitute media by…

Democratic donors call for Clinton campaign post-mortem – POLITICO

KW: Comment from Zerohedge: Hillary Clinton attempted to explain to a group of exasperated donors (in the words of a Midwestern fundraiser “I’m not putting another fucking dime in until someone tells me what just happened“) why she lost. Her reasoning, echoing John Podesta’s whiney op-ed (and every mainstream media narrative) is simple – it…