Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary General of United Nations. “Don’t shoot the Messenger, Israel”

Ban Ki-Moon last week was reported as saying the claim over the 370 acres of newly seized land by Israel was illegal (read this statement) but neither Israel or United States give a toss about legalities. The Greater Israel (Israel without Borders) project is all that matters.  It is known as the Yinon Plan. Don’t…

The Question Is Not A Difficult One To Answer | Alhambra Investment Partners – We Are Different.

It appears that anyone with understanding about economics is astounded at the actions of Japanese PM Kuroda who after some sumptuous dinners, plenty of champagne plus persuasion by clueless central bankers meeting at Davos, Switzerland has pitched the stagnating Japanese economy to the unknown with interest rates to be set below zero. Yes, negative rates meaning it…

Zika Outbreak Epicenter in Same Area Where GM Mosquitoes Were Released in 2015

This is an astounding piece about the possibility that genetically modified mosquitos possibly being linked to the outbreak of the Zika outbreak in Brazil The center of the Zika virus and subsequent epidemic of microcephaly is the same place where GM mosquitoes were released in 2015. Source: Zika Outbreak Epicenter in Same Area Where GM…