New Zealand has unraveled. The values and knowledge that underpin a free and prosperous society have been turned inside out, upside down and trashed. It has happened over night without discussion or debate. A switch was flipped and we awoke in a different country. It is not one we recognise or know. We are left disoriented and reeling. Brave souls rebel against particular policy but to no avail. There is no argument or debate. That was then; this is now. The new New Zealand known as Aotearoa is

Source: Aotearoa

KW: Bassett, Brash, Hide

Again thoughtful comments from Rodney Hide describing the revolution that has occurred before our very eyes with our Prime Minister leading us plunging down the crash path to complete dictatorship under the tutorledge of her master Klaus Schwabb of the Global Economic Forum. We have called her out For this treasonous move.