Biden Unveils Most Severe COVID Actions Yet: Mandates Vax For All Federal Workers, Contractors, & Large Private Companies | ZeroHedge

‘No jab, no job…’

Source: Biden Unveils Most Severe COVID Actions Yet: Mandates Vax For All Federal Workers, Contractors, & Large Private Companies | ZeroHedge

KW: The control freak President is on the war path mandating those who want to maintain freedom to choose as being their choice only not his or the governments flies in the face of global evidence that the choice should be maintained. Israel, the country with the highest number of pfizer vaccinated people with more than 25% even 3 times jabbed and 80% twice jabbed, faces an explosion of covid reinfections demonstating that the jab does not bring about the safety of the individual.

Is Biden to be trusted or the evidence? The poor Americans, having made a complete and shameful mess in their defeat and evacuation of Afghanstan embarrasing all the generals up and down the pay scale, Biden goes for the jugular but it will come to us here too as politicians everywhere decide they know best. What does this mean or is he the epitomy of the Great Satan personified?