China, New Zealand links sink to new low: PM Jacinda Ardern’s visit on hold, tourism project postponed – NZ Herald

KW: What can you expect? Our biggest trading partner and the single most important reason why the New Zealand economy has strength has been bullied with a packet of lies from the world playground bully the U.S. about Huawei with unproven and spurious claims about Chinese spy chips in their 5G equipment and New Zealand has also been part of the lying with the GCSB following the American directions with these claims therefore blocking Huawei from developing a 5G network in New Zealand. Not only will New Zeaand miss out on the best equipment available as the Chinese technology is superior to anything the Americans can come up with but it all ignores the blatantly obvious spying by the GCSB and its controller the NSA in the U.S. using publically available programs like Facebook, Twiitter, Google and MicroSoft all manipulated by the NSA to spy on you/us.

Will this Labour led governmemt stand up agsint this outrage that may prove very costly for New Zealand. Lange did. Will Adern be made of the same metal?

Exclusive: Diplomatic links plummet to a new low as Ardern is given the cold shoulder.

Source: China, New Zealand links sink to new low: PM Jacinda Ardern’s visit on hold, tourism project postponed – NZ Herald