Cuban Missile Crisis Redux –

Cuban Missile Crisis Redux Paul Craig Roberts A country without an honest media is blind to its fate. In the US there is no media, only repetition of

Source: Cuban Missile Crisis Redux –

KW: As the western world speeds towardd economic collapse due to governments of nations imposing separaion and mandates that are ruining lives and buisnesses the country over the threat of nucear war is once again at our doorstep due to idiot diplomats who are full of bravado and happy to threaten the citizens of another country with ignorant threats. America fights its bloody wars in other countries so other citizens are maimed and murdered with their livlihoods and properties destroyed. One wonder if this is why the US central states are also being wiped out by natural events like tornadoes. Is God displeased with their attitude?

The only thing now is that both Russia and China can launch hypersonic wepons that could also destroy American cities in a flash Before the Americans can work out where they came from