Elite Closing Down Truth Tellers – Paul Craig Roberts | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

KW: Greg Hunter is a patriotic American and sometimes he gets swallowed up in pro-American propaganda but he does try to see the other side. I have put this article in the ‘Environment’ bin because we are seeing a dramatic alteration to how society works. Freedoms are being eroded everywhere in our society and our complicit MSM simply trot out the ‘villans vs the goodies’ stories ad-nuasiem without thinking or discovery so all of our news is distorted lies. Never before has this website been so important in trying to discover truth. A very interesting discussion with PCR

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com Economic expert and journalist Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says the ideas of the elite are awful, and they want to suppress free speech to get their policies instituted. Dr. Roberts explains, “The agendas of the elite are hidden. They are not something the American people would support. The

Source: Elite Closing Down Truth Tellers – Paul Craig Roberts | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog