‘Fair trial threatened’ as judge rejects Assange request to sit with lawyers: Day 4 of US extradition hearing as it played out — RT UK News

KW: The show trial of the U.S. State against Julian Assange being fought out in the completely complicit and servile subsidiary country of Britain is a disgrace no one is hearing about becasue the servile western media is not covering what is actually happening. Thankfully we have RT but you can now understand why western governments hate RT. It does expose the twisted propaganda we get fed on a daily basis. It is obvious that the judeg has already made her decision and is in the pocket of the Americans allowed to patrol the court


Day four of Julian Assange’s extradition hearing saw lawyers discussing whether international law supersedes English law and a dramatic rejection by the judge of a simple request for Assange to be allowed to sit with his lawyers.

Source: ‘Fair trial threatened’ as judge rejects Assange request to sit with lawyers: Day 4 of US extradition hearing as it played out — RT UK News