Greenwald: Biden’s Lawless Bombing Of Iraq and Syria Only Serves The Weapons Industry Funding Both Parties | ZeroHedge

U.S. citizens derive no benefit, but instead suffer great loss, from endless war in the Middle East. But their interests are irrelevant to decisions of bipartisan Washington.

Source: Greenwald: Biden’s Lawless Bombing Of Iraq and Syria Only Serves The Weapons Industry Funding Both Parties | ZeroHedge

KW: Of course nothing must halt the advance of the American war machine. The lying about the actions continues so as to deceive anone attempting to understand the truth. Same old same old, except innocent people die satisfying the need for the U.S. to kill people. The U.S. action is illegal as they are the invader nation causing untold heartbreak for those countries under sufferance and branding the murdeous aggression as ‘defensive’ a hard slap in the face for those questioning the logic of just how America is under attack when the bombing action is on the other side of the world; it’s impossible to fathom, even more so that the brain addled President is actually commanding anthing at all, the machine just grinds on unchecked