Local Body Rich Lists in NZ’s largest City

KW: A group called the Auckland Ratepayers Alliance has produced a document of startling alarm reproduced below. At a time whe so many people have suffered significant financial harm due to the lockdown, with business failure, bankruptcy and job losses this revelation shold be causing riots outside the Townhall. Chaired by a woman it has a’ them and us’ bias but that is not the real point. Of course the council is proposing rate increases to keep them all on overpaid salaries protected from the real world struggle to stay afloat financially

Key findings:

  1. Eighty-six staff are paid more than $250,000.
  2. Fourty-eight staff are paid more than Mayor Phil Goff ($296,000) and seven are paid more than the Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern ($471,000).
  3. Seventy-one percent of identified rich listers are men. Of the six staff paid more than $500,000, all are men.
  4. Twenty-four of the rich listers are employees of Auckland Transport, 11 are from Watercare, six are from Regional Facilities Auckland, five are from ATEED, and five are from Panuku Development

You can imagine this report will be similar whatever council you review and one hopes that this group will be able to continue to expose this local body rort elsewhere


The full report can be found here
