More War by Other Means: Sanctioning the Wife of Syria’s President Makes No Sense to Anyone – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

I am a recipient of regular, usual weekly, emails from the Department of the Treasury providing an “Update to OFAC’s list of Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) and Blocked Persons.” OFAC is the Office of Foreign Assets Control, which is tasked with both identifying and managing the financial punishments meted out to those individuals and groups […]

Source: More War by Other Means: Sanctioning the Wife of Syria’s President Makes No Sense to Anyone – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

KW: That the dis-United States of America has demonstrated its banana republic status this past week is beyond any doubt for the rest of the world. Simply blaming the rioting on Trump is a far too simpistic reasoning as to the reasons behind the rioting. What is that woman Polsi doing to calm the situation? Provoking Trump supporters (and remember there were some 80million of them who voted for Trump) by demanding immediate impeachment of the outgoing President is pouring high octane av-gas onto already blaxing ruins of Washington controls. BUT

Control the machinery still supplies . Pompeo hits out at Assad’s wife and family placing personal sanction on her demonstrating the failure of American efforts to overthrow Basshar al Assad in Syria even if it has reduced nearly all parts of Syria into rubble. Smirking just a wee bit to south is President Maduro of Venezeula,as despite massive efforts to blame socialism for the demise of his Presidency whilst ignoring the American efforts to starve the people and destroy the economy with embargoes of everything, no sign of their ‘designated alternative president’ has been seen for the past few months – another shocking failure

But who is the real enemy of this lawless banana republic? China of course!! Pompeo, in his last shot at being a global prick of massive proportions, intends to send the U.S. United Nations ambassador to Taiwan playing stupid inflamatory politics with the mainland government.

It just goes on and on. Meanwhile Vladimir just sits and watches….!