National Security State Left US Defenseless Against Coronavirus – Original

KW: To read reports of the U.S. being reduced to stealing medical equipment from being flown to the (former?) allies like Germany and France becasue they don’t actually have the equipment themselves shows that the U.S. has no shame. More importantly it shows Trumps claims of ‘having the best Doctors and best hospitals in the world’ as being just another empty and ignorant rant to beleived only by clueless Americans. Of course he blames WHO for the problem, that WHO is China centric to avoid the thinking that Trumps disbelief of reality in his own land is the real reason for the American unpreparedness. The U.S. would rather fight wars in foreign lands than protect its own citizens and now reaps the whirlwind


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Source: National Security State Left US Defenseless Against Coronavirus – Original