Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters shreds Covid-19 handling

KW: Propaganda machine says it’s OK for there to be Bezos & Zuckerberg’: Roger Waters tells RT how media shields Covid-19 villains.   U.S. divisive stance puts the whole world at risk with Pompeo trying still to promote war themes this last week to Israel to meet with Neyanyahu is a significant addition to this theme. Of course he is still trying to invade Venezuela as well but his mates botched the assault. Clearly what Covid-19 has told us all is that in order to face a common enemy, like a virulent virus, we’re going to need to cooperate, to act together… as a global community,” Waters told RT’s Rick Sanchez on Friday. If we don’t cooperate, we’re all dead. The planet’s over. We’re heading for the cliff of omnicidal destruction of everything. So will this be a wake-up call? I hope so.