Pricing algorithms can learn to collude with each other to raise prices – MIT Technology Review

KW: And all we hear about is what ‘the market’ is doing by financial commentators. Well don’t listen anymore the system is rigges to take you for a ride and get you money.

Now the Robots Have Joined Forces to Take Your Money. It’s Collusion!

From Jim Rickards news letter….Over 90% of the New York Stock Exchange and other exchange trading is done by robots, not people. These are actual robots that make trading decisions and deciding when to enter trades with no human intervention. These robots work off of artificial intelligence (AI). The AI uses news scanner databases that look for key words to interpret the news to act upon. This scanning and automated order entry works at microsecond speeds. All of the robots read the same news at the same time and react the same way. The result is a rush and crush to buy or sell without any humans. Now, automation has become a lot more dangerous. Not only do the robots read and react, but they’ve also begun communicating with each other. The robots are colluding and acting like a gang to push markets around. This amplifies their power and their “deep learning” algorithms reinforce this behavior so you get more of it with the passage of time. This will all end in a one-way flash crash where there is mass selling, no buying and no way out of the abyss. Here’s proof of how this story is beginning to unfold.

If you shop on Amazon, an algorithm rather than a human probably set the price of the service or item you bought.

Source: Pricing algorithms can learn to collude with each other to raise prices – MIT Technology Review