The Diseased, Lying, Condition of America’s ‘News’Media

KW: Our media here in New Zealand is no better than that of the U.S. Indeed our media simply regurgetate ‘news’ stories without adding a jot of scrutiny to the validity of the item and to that extent we are equally misled as are the dumb Americans. So many times ‘news’ stories are wrong or ‘fake’. Take a look at all of our television ‘entertainment’, virtually all is repetitive violence out of Hollywood glorifying American military supremacy and dominance over all the world, its just so much rubbish unworthy of viewing, we are treated by the media masters as dumb shits who might enjoy killing, violence and guns as much as we like hearing distorted and misleading ‘news’ stories that are simply lies and uninformed comment.

Eric ZUESSE: Do the American people have sovereignty, over ‘their’ (our) Government? US ‘news’media effectively ban that question.

Source: The Diseased, Lying, Condition of America’s ‘News’Media