Think Three Times Before Taking the Covid Vaccine –

Think Three Times Before Taking the Covid Vaccine Professor Cahill, a world-renowned expert is under attack from her own university for expressing her assesment of the dangers of the covid vacccine.

Source: Think Three Times Before Taking the Covid Vaccine –

KW: I don’t know enough about it but thee is sufficient alarm being raised for me to be extremely worried that this masss vaccination program the whole world is being bulldozed into accepting as the only way forwards is a con , the supposed ‘cure’ is missunderstood becasue we are being lied to by big pharma and our media and people who are experts are silenced and bulldozed to only be able to speak out on small platforms of ‘alternative science’.

The story told by this PhD Professor is simply far too scary for me to not tell you all.. She is predicting deaths and it could be in the millions due to the mRMA alterations to our bodies from being jabbed with these vaccines.