This Is One Of The Best 9-11 Videos Produced! This is how ‘it’ all started

KW: Lets get to the nitty gritty of world events over the past 17 years once more. Everything that has happened, the millions of lives that have been killed, the countries that have been attacked and destroyed, the rise and rise of the American neocon elite at the expense of everyone else in the world and the complete coruption of our Western governments taking information if not orders from this elite, everything, it all started with 9/11. Millions all over the world know that this was a false flag attack and an inside job that the U.S. government knew about and understood the implications of and as time goes on millions of people are realising that they have been lied to. The important witnesses and reviews have been ignored to stick to a lie, a narrative perpetuated by our controlled media that our newsreaders of today stick to becasue they are paid to do this. This video is just one of many others that help explain this lie and if you remain a disbeliever spend some more time reviewing all the Youtube videos about the event, educate yourself. And by the way; although millions of people have been murdered by wars in other countries, the septre of death also stalks in New york right now, today. Hundreds if not thousands of people, many first responders such as firemen are dying right now due to the asbestos dust they breathed during the collapse. Was asbestos contamination the reason the buildings were taken down by Larry Silverstein the buildings leasehold owner? It was gong to take hundreds of $millions to clear the towers of asbestos and make them clean buildings.

The war we should all now fear is a shooting war between nuclear armed super powers and that war has already started, but we kindly call it a trade war so as not to alarm people. The neocons believe they can win it and Trump is their champion and Wall Street ignores the risk. It is the last strike for global domination of the neocon, pro Israel, elite for global domination and control of the world. Yes it is a conspiracy that can not be ignored