KW: Here is a clip I basically agree with although I would leave the last paragraph about Trump out if it was me writing this

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Denis Hall: The real reason for the Ukraine war.

I’ve been watching News all day for days – because this situation fascinates me – and I’m not talking about the deadbeats in New Zealand’s so called “news”. They do not count for anything. I deal with them with the remote. Click – gone!

The most informative News Org I have to say – and it makes me squirm to say it – is Al Jazeera. and I have also been watching Fox and RT (Russia Today) and the wackos at the BBC – and some of the others that I have on my TV. I have also been interested in History all my life – and I never did get indoctrinated in any ‘University’ ‘political science class’ – and this below is what I think about all this.

Get on Google Earth first – and see where the Ukraine actually is in relation to the European Union and Russia. (And TRY to remember – that Russia and China are joined at the hip by tradition – landmass – politics – and the future.)

God forbid I would be on Russia’s side in this – but in terms of stupid I find it difficult to be on NATO’s side.
Get your head around the fact that NATO is a military alliance including the USA – and not a government. All it concerns itself with is military stuff – and getting more and better guns – and preparing for possible wars – and now they are beside themselves because they have started one – and cannot join in. The thing is – possible peace is not NATO’s thing. BUT! Note well that they are sitting on the fence watching something THEY started by twisting Putin’s tail – and that is where they will stay – because if they move it will turn into Nukes – and Europe will be radioactive toast without butter or jam.

Russia is one of the biggest landmasses on the planet – shored up by China – also a huge landmass – with huge wealth and many millions of people – and they can absorb a few Nukes – Europe can’t! Again – look at Google Earth and see for yourself. Europe will be the sacrificial lamb in any Nuclear War – and we can kiss goodbye to the actual cradle of modern civilisation – thanks to a lack of wisdom on the part of some NATO Generals.

The real reason for this war is because of NATO moves to bring the Ukraine in to their orbit as a member – thereby putting NATO on the Russian doorstep – bumper to bumper as it were. NATO – All gunned up and up Putin’s derriere.

For those who are really listening – Putin keeps telling us – that he wants the demilitarisation – and neutrality of the Ukraine. Remember – that Russia used to own the Ukraine – so Putin will be a bit proprietorial. – The Ukraine and NATO have been saying no to neutrality – and so now they will most likely end up with the former Soviet Union getting back one of its richest satellites – and who wins then? Russia instead – with Putin as the leader – will be on NATO’s doorstep bumper to bumper – and he will have the Ukraine as a buffer zone just like before this all began – which is how it’s been since the demise of the Soviet Union.

What is it that people don’t get about that – and when he wins this – watch China annex Taiwan – because that’s the same deal – different language. (Just saying.)

So NATO have been encouraging the Ukraine to follow their path – and Putin has been making annoying noises about that – and they ignored him – even though he recently made a video clip about that – that has been widely circulated all over the world – and they just kept pushing and pushing – and bingo – we have the situation we have today.

I will say again – and I don’t care who doesn’t like to hear it – if Trump was still president – this would not be happening – because he would have put his red tie on – brushed his hair – checked his smile in the mirror – invited the world media – hopped in Airforce One – and flown to Moscow – and sorted this out – because he was an actual PRESIDENT who could see the bigger picture – whereas Biden is not even sure where the microphone is. Trump would have the smarts to recognise that Putin was in a corner – and given him room to move – let him down easily – with his pride intact – and talked the Ukrainian president down to reality – and explained to the world in words of one syllable why the Ukraine joining NATO was not a good idea.

Instead – we have ballyhoo Biden and a bunch of smartypants generals trying to get on the TV on one side – and very very experienced Putin on the other – and sorry – but in the intellectual stakes – Putin is a country mile ahead of Biden and a bunch of guys who stayed long enough to get promoted to general – and that will cost us all – but Putin will win – and NATO will just stand there like a bunch of stuffed dummies in fancy uniforms with shiny stuff hanging off them – because like you and me – they recognise that the worst case scenario is not a snot nosed war between little generals at stake here – it is the prospect of a Global Nuclear War.

We in the West need to get real with our politicians – and stop electing dimwits who have no idea about anything.

For God sake – look at the shower of garbage we’ve elected in New Zealand! Good God – – talk about never learn. If you saw any of them on your front lawn – you’d call the police – wouldn’t you.

Denis Hall describes himself as an old man and an artist – a thinker – a writer – and a commentator. He does what he does – for the love of it.