War With Russia Without Public Debate?: Stephen F Cohen

KW: This is disturbing. Listen to the Anakonda interview. Are we this close to war? None of this is reported in our press   NATO is continuing its military buildup and “exercises” on Russia’s borders, Moscow is taking “counter-measures,” while the US mainstream media remains silent. June 11, 2016 “Information Clearing House” – “The Nation”…

David Stockman on Trump vs Clinton: Bloomberg

KW: David Stockman is a smart man talking sense. Copy and past. David Stockman, former director of the Office of Management and Budget, discusses what’s at stake for the United States in the battle for the White House between Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton. He speaks on “Bloomberg ‹GO›.” (Source: Bloomberg) http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/videos/2016-06-08/david-stockman-s-view-of-trump-vs-clinton  

The Subversion of Democracy: AP calls a Clinton victory on a day when no one voted

Last night our television and radio media repeated the declaration from Associated Press (AP) that Hillary Clinton had won the Democratic Party nomination for President of United States. The battle in November they declared would be between Trump and Clinton. This was on a day when nobody had voted. The decree, issued the night before…

Obama Slams Door in Putin’s Face: Says if Putin doesn’t want Russia’s retaliatory forces eliminated, he’ll need to be the one to press the nuclear button first | The Vineyard of the Saker

KW: Who would want to live in Europe? It will be Europeans who are vaporized first all becasue of American aggression and their dominance of NATO, the EU and the fact it is American missiles all along the Russian border. A bird’s eye view of the vineyard Source: Obama Slams Door in Putin’s Face: Says…

Scotland Bans Fracking, Forever | OilPrice.com

KW: This has significant implications for New Zealand where the fracking debate will return once oil prices lift sufficiently to make fracking existing fields economically viable once more The Scottish Parliament voted to ban fracking countrywide on Wednesday, making a moratorium on the controversial technique a permanent affair Source: Scotland Bans Fracking, Forever | OilPrice.com