Hillary Clinton cooked up Russiagate to smear Trump & distract from her own scandals, declassified docs suggest — RT USA News

KW: Now that it is officially cominig out it endorses what we said here on Kiwiwatch 4 years ago at the time, that it was a beat up by Hillary Clinton to try and forestall her demise in the Presidency of 2016. Smearing her opponent has had a dreadful influence on his whole presidency ever…

Presstitute New York Times and the Rest of the Whore Media Rush to Defend Hunter Biden from the Devastating US Senate Report on His Corruption and Likely Criminal Action – PaulCraigRoberts.org

KW: I vowed to not follow the U.S. Presidential elections but the Biden camp keep dropping such huge clangers its hard to not show just how corrupt they really are. Just imagine the fuss if it was Trump’s son or daughter doing this!   Presstitute New York Times and the Rest of the Whore Media…

Putin offers US exchange of ‘guarantees’ that both countries won’t meddle in each other’s elections or wider domestic affairs — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

KW: Will this offer be accepted or rejected? I suspect the later as there is simply far too many ignorant people poisoned by western media propaganda who no longer can think straight and for themselves. As an example, at a function last evening talking as I was to golfing colleagues about election campaign topics in…

Top Republicans Urge FBI, DOJ To Investigate Hunter Biden’s $3.5 Million Moscow Payday | Zero Hedge

KW: Absolute hypocracy. Do Americans realsie just how far down the s… hole they have ben taken by their ‘democracy’ It is a total farce to think that the world can improve while Americans contorl outcomes. While virtually everyone I speak to is horrified by Trump, and understandably so, the alternative is openly corrupt to…

Melbourne Police Surround & Arrest 2 Elderly Women Resting On Park Bench For ‘COVID Violation’ | Zero Hedge

KW: People in Australia don’t know about this sort of occurance in Australia but it is happening. It’s outrageous but true. Victoria is certainly a police state showed by the police demonstrating no common sense.   Dramatic footage is but latest in series of incidents outraging Australians: “police have lost all commonsense!” Source: Melbourne Police Surround &…

Putin offers UN staff FREE DOSE of Russia’s pioneering Sputnik V jab as he calls for global conference on Covid-19 vaccine — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

KW: The first ever global on line  meeting of the UN General Assembly has been held with polarising positions becoming eveident straight away. Putin spoke of peaceful solutions and the abandonment of unlawful sanctions to encourage trade amidst the pandemic so economic growth is rekindiled. India will get 100million doses of the Russian vaccine he…

In refusing to extend New START, the US puts the world on the path of collective suicide — RT Op-ed

KW: The issue of nuclear proliferation is not talked about on mainstream media but everwhere upi look this is the topic of discusssion. The U.S. war machine is right out front driving policy decisions of politicians in the U.S. congress. Weall should be alarmed bu this rhetoric   Statements by the US chief arms control…

‘Obama was a schoolboy when we started hypersonic experiments,’ Russian missile guru rebuffs Trump’s claims of stealing US tech — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

KW: Trump has played the ‘stolen (from the U.S.) technology card’ throughout his presidency, in particular blaming China for a multitude of sins whist notacknowledging or recognising that companies like Apple, Nike, Wrangler all chose of their own free will to relocate production to China to take advantage of cheaper labour costs to boost profits….

Bank of International Settlements says the markets are rigged

KW: Colin Twiggs is an Australian based market analyst and commentator who has designed a very sophisticated share price tracking program called ‘Incredible Charts‘ that is very useful to see where you are heading. This is a direct copy of his latest email letter. BIS: S&P 500 is “rigged” By Colin Twiggs September 19, 2020 First, please…