U.S. Imperialism on Trial-Exposing War Crimes is not a Crime- Information Clearing House

KW: Speakers at the meeting to supprt Julian Assange   Craig Murray, George Galloway, Peter Lavelle, Alexander Mercouris, Eva Bartlett and Craig Murray share their expertise on imperialism in general, and on the Julian Assange case in particular. Craig Murray “We are engaged in a struggle against fascism” George Galloway  “Talk about an abuse of…

‘Fair trial threatened’ as judge rejects Assange request to sit with lawyers: Day 4 of US extradition hearing as it played out — RT UK News

KW: The show trial of the U.S. State against Julian Assange being fought out in the completely complicit and servile subsidiary country of Britain is a disgrace no one is hearing about becasue the servile western media is not covering what is actually happening. Thankfully we have RT but you can now understand why western…

CoronaVirus: Devastating Economic Consequences To Come – Mike Maloney & Chris Martenson (Part 1)

KW: As predicted by both Mike Maloney and Chris Martenson, the economic consequences of the Coronavirus pandemic are proving to be devastating. Markets are being crushed all around the world, as investors and industry slowly awaken to the dire circumstances that will effect every aspect of our intertwined ‘just in time’ economy. Join Mike and Chris…

UK inexplicably bars WikiLeaks editor from extradition hearing day after Assange handcuffed 11 times & STRIPPED twice — RT UK News

KW: The show trial whereupon a layer from the U.S. makes up lies about Julian Assange, fails to demonstrate evidence to back his claims and makes assange out to be the worlds most dangerous criminal is underway and the already bought off British judge  then bans Assanges Editor of Wkileaks from the proceedings while repeatedly…

Did the coronavirus just infect the Markets?

KW:  Recorded just a few hours ago, we’re rushing this interview out to you given its timeliness. Is the coronavirus the pin that will end the 10 year-long Everything Bubble? Quite possibly, cautions Sven Henrick, technical analyst and lead market strategist for Northman Trader. For too many years now, the financial markets have been conditioned that “dips don’t…

When Davos WEF was planning for a coronavirus pandemic

KW: This is very interesting. I don’t trust anything that the John Hopkins Centre nor Bill Gates Foundation does as for the benfit of all mankind. Immaculate timing As Paul Craig Roberts writes: “What a Coincidence! Why was the World Economic Forum gaming a pandemic six weeks prior to the corona virus breakout in China?” Congress…

‘History will be kind to Julian Assange, not to his corrupt accusers and Judges’ – Kim Dotcom on extradition trial — RT World News

KW: Lets hope so Kim DotCom   Tech entrepreneur and activist Kim Dotcom took to Twitter on day one of the extradition hearing of journalist and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, launching a scathing attack on both the US prosecutors and the mainstream media. Source: ‘History will be kind to Julian Assange, not to his corrupt…