Trump’s Golan gift to Israel condemned by UN, Gulf & European allies — RT World News

KW: George Galloway summed it up neatly Galloway called Trump’s declaration “an act of brigandry which will send a clear message to the entire world that the US cares nothing for international law, for treaties, just force.” New Zeland needs to be clear it won’t be sucked into the vortex of support for an international bandit. Notice…

Trump Warns Putin That “Russia Has To Get Out” Of Venezuela, “All Options Are On The Table” | Zero Hedge

KW: I wonder whats going to happen? Stay tuned, its serious Trump delivered a message to Putin that “Russia has to get out” of Venezuela amid U.S. efforts to back opposition leader Juan Guaido. Source: Trump Warns Putin That “Russia Has To Get Out” Of Venezuela, “All Options Are On The Table” | Zero Hedge

To Avoid Trump’s Sanctions, Countries Turn to Stone Age Bartering | Fast Forward | OZY

KW: Sergie Lavrov is a very switched on man and take no sh.t from his American ‘collegues’ Byron King: “This Is Not Going to End Well” for the U.S.  I have long criticized the excessive use of American economic sanctions. U.S. sanctions basically weaponize the dollar and create incentives for other nations to find an alternative currency…

The Illusory Truth Effect: How Millions Were Duped By Russiagate – Caitlin Johnstone

KW: Caitlin Johnstone is not friend of the U.S. but she is right on the button with this commentary and On the charge of collusion with Russia, not guilty on all counts. After two years of hearing from haters in politics and the media that President Donald Trump was “Putin’s poodle,” an agent of the Kremlin,…

Rickards warns of a ‘soft default’ by the U.S.

KW: Herewith from his latest newsletter to customers. However, other people like Rob Kirby warn that the real debt that Rickards refers to is much much higher than officially reported so with Trump himself making disturbing noises abot the strength of the U.S. economy and debt pile up is Rickards warning all the more pertinent?…