Wikileaks Unveils ‘Vault 7’: “The Largest Ever Publication Of Confidential CIA Documents”; Another Snowden Emerges | Zero Hedge

KW: yes with Edward Snowden himself in exile in Moscow another version of him is active in leaking top secret documents about the activities of the CIA. Kim DotCom comments. These are extraordinary claims showing the deep seated corruption of the U.S. intelligence agencies and the threat they represent to everyone WikiLeaks has published what…

Nikki Haley Watch: Trump’s Disaster UN Ambassador Loses it Over Syria Sanctions Vote: The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity :

KW: It is apparent that the Assad Regime is not guilty of using chemical weapons against its own people and that it was the ISIS rebels who committed the crime but it’s taking time for parts of the U.S. government to come to grips with the lie Source: The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and…

The Donbass is breaking away from an agonized Ukraine – The Unz Review

KW: Main stream media continue with the lie that Russia invaded the Ukraine causing the instability there and necessitating the anti Russian rhetoric so dominant in Western media. The opposite is the case. When democratically elected President Victor Yanukovych changed his mind and turned his back on NATO overtures for Ukraine to join NATO he…

Saudi Arabia Uncovered ; Documentary Exposes the Horror of Life in Saudi Arabia: Information Clearing House

Saudi Arabia Uncovered ; Documentary Exposes the Horror of Life in Saudi Arabia Video A woman beheaded in the road. Five headless corpses hanging from cranes. What the film makes abundantly clear is that the country is a murderous dictatorship which refuses to tolerate dissent. Warning: Graphic executions in video that will shock you…

“Most of the World is Just Collapsing in Laughter” on Claims that Russia Intervened in the US Election: Noam Chomsky

“Most of the World is Just Collapsing in Laughter” on Claims that Russia Intervened in the US Election By Noam Chomsky This interview took place at the University of Arizona, before a public audience, on February 2, 2017. I thank Marvin Waterstone for arranging the event, and Professor Chomsky, who approved this transcript for publication….