Trump Slams “Taxpayer-Funded Charade” As Clapper Confirms “No Evidence” Of Russia Collusion | Zero Hedge

KW: As you would expect the mainstream media in New Zealand reading the text they are given from U.S. sources tell us Clapper virtually assured the world that ‘Russia must be ecstatic that they achieved so much for so little’ maintaining the bulls… line that Russia did hack but he has no evidence! How is…

America’s Top Scientists Confirm: U.S. Goal Now Is to Conquer Russia. “Disarming Enemies with a Surprise Nuclear First Strike” | Global Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

KW: We live in a world where it is apparent that Washington wants war with Russia and that the deep state neocons believe they can win this nuclear war. These are truly perilous times that no one is paying sufficient attention to. Instead the whole of U.S. media is brain numbing us all through all…

Creating De-Escalation Zones in Syria: Stephen Lendman: Information Clearing House

Memorandum Creating De-Escalation Zones in Syria By Stephen Lendman May 06, 2017 “Information Clearing House” – The agreement reached by Russia, Iran and Turkey, created four de-escalation zones effective May 5, prohibiting ground and aerial operations by all parties. Washington isn’t part of the agreement, the fly in the ointment, likely undermining it because it…