William Blum on the Korea War: Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II – Chapter 5

William Blum on the Korea War Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II – Chapter 5 By William Blum To die for an idea; it is unquestionably noble. But how much nobler it would be if men died for ideas that were true. – H L Mencken, 1919 September 16, 2017 “Information Clearing…

Defending the Indefensible – The Occupation of the American Mind

Defending the Indefensible – The Occupation of the American Mind  Video Documentary “This is a film that demands to be seen. It shows, with devastating precision, how effective propaganda can hide crimes that are epic in scale and have catastrophic consequences. Please see this film, hire it, screen it, talk about it.” – Ken Loach, Posted September…

Afghanistan – U.S. Resolved To Repeat Failures: Moon of Alabama

KW: Afghanistan – U.S. Resolved To Repeat Failures The U.S. military and political leadership is so devoid of learning capability that it does not fight multiyear long wars. Instead it fights one disconnected campaign after the other on the very same battlefield. Each of these campaigns will repeat the mistakes that previous ones made and…

World Anti-Doping Agency Clears 95 Russian Athletes – The New York Times

KW: So the mountain of evidence that showed Russian athletes were doping turns out to be scant or non existent, yet in the same breath we learn that the  New Zealand Olympic Committee has  just renewed calls for a complete ban on Russian Athletes for the upcoming winter olympics due to Russian systemic cheating in…

North Korea’s Nuke Program Won’t End Until ‘Equilibrium of Real Force’ Achieved – Sputnik International

KW: The rationale is reasonable considering that the North Koreans have already in the last 70 years experienced total annihilation by the U.S. when defeated in 1953 Source: North Korea’s Nuke Program Won’t End Until ‘Equilibrium of Real Force’ Achieved – Sputnik International

Bombshell Report Catches Pentagon Falsifying Paperwork For Weapons Transfers To Syrian Rebels | Zero Hedge

KW: One comment here is that the map that is included in this article appears to be significantly out of date as the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) of President Assad has recently retaken Deir ez Zuir eliminating ISIS from that city and surrounding region. For sure the Pentagon and CIA are rapidly increasing arms supplies…