Russia Sells Off Record Amount of US Treasury Bonds

KW: With Trump bcoming increasingly erratic its clear that many countries are re-examining their relationships with the U.S. particularly the holding of U.S. financials. Increasing turmoil around the globe created by Trump delivering ‘making America great again’ policies based on mountains of U.S. debt being soaked up by other countires appears to be coming t…

Bringing Julian Assange Home | Global Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

KW: This discussion brings into view the appalling treatment of Australian Julian Assange and the gutlessness of the Australian government and the ‘imprisonment’ of the Australain Prime Minister to U.S. hegemony and control of the world including Australia’s foreign policy. Pilger also refers to an interview with an Australian Broadcasting Corporation jounalist interview (Sarah Ferguson)…

Despite ‘New, Tough Sanctions’, US Takes Delivery Of Russian Rocket Engines | Zero Hedge

KW: And so what do you think about this news? The mighty American Space program dependent on Russian made Rocket engines. Not only can they not get to the space station without flying on Suyuz rockets from Russia they cant do anything else either. Meanwhile sanctions casue damage the world over How would Washington respond…

The Hitler of South Africa tells white people he won’t kill them. . . yet | Sovereign Man

KW: Worried that New Zealand has racial tension? Well try South Africa for a guideline as to how things could posssibly work out for over there the situation is deteriorating sharply. In many respects to many citizens today the Treaty of Waitangi settelements being paid by todays generation of kiwis to settle historic wrongs committed…