US State Department Publishes, then Deletes Sadistic Venezuela Hit List Boasting of Economic Ruin – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

KW: What we are seeing in Venezuela is nothing but criminals trying to take over the country by force and of course illegally. Where is your United Nations when you need it? Under the thumb of the U.S. so nothing is done to protect Venezuelans from pending disaster. Meanwhile I have read from one of…

‘Any US action in Venezuela would be lawful’: Pompeo drums up invasion option after failed coup — RT USA News

KW: The war mongerring terroist country of the world, the United States of America decides what is lawful and what is not before it commences another atrocity in another country of the world. Will Russia be there strongly enough to save Venezuela from destruction as it has done for Syria? The mad men of the…

Israeli rabbis at military prep school are caught on video praising Hitler – Opinion – Information Clearing House

KW: This is interesting. Israeli Rabbis Declare Israel to Be a Racist State An Israeli citizen provides films of Israeli rabbis teaching that Hitler was correct that there is a Master Race and was only mistaken in his belief that Germans were the Master Race, whereas in fact Jews are the MasterRace.  All other peoples are only…

Three-way deal: Trump says China wants to join nuclear pact with US, Russia — RT USA News

KW: The enigma that is Donald Trump continues amidst tremendous U.S. opposition from all directions, even as almost from the grave John McCain’s voice reverberates via his daughter ….Meghan McCain has found a new, xenophobia-laced way to debase Russia and its people, thoughtfully describing Moscow as the “city of Satan and Sen Lindsay Graham call for…

Lindsey Graham Wants Aircraft Carrier To Confront Russians & Cubans In Venezuela | Zero Hedge

KW: The one thing that is consistent about U.S. politicians is their stupidity and war seeking statements, Lindsay Graham is no exception. Meanwhile Trump has been on the phone to Putin trying to get along a bit better it seems, while Graham’s statements undermine this attitude and accord. John Bolton has admitted his coup in…

China and Russia: Whoopin’ Uncle Sam at his own game, by Mike Whitney – The Unz Review

KW: Whitney, a U.S. economic scholar and writer explains the differences well in this article Your Geopolitical Quiz for the Day: Two countries are embroiled in a ferocious rivalry.  One country’s meteoric growth has put it on a path to become the world’s biggest economic superpower while the other country appears to be slipping into…

The American Collapse Accelerates –

KW: Just thought you might be interested in this view. Becasue it’s coming from a source I respect it’s worth a read. The American Collapse Accelerates. Homeless Hordes take over elite California neighborhoods, camping in the gardens of multi-million dollar homes and making the prized beaches unusable. LA, San Francisco, and Seattle becoming unlivable. Murderous MS-13 El…