Heart Disease is connected to the vaccine!

KW: The main points are….


If you watch one thing today, make it THIS! 👀

Main points:
‼️Markers associated with increasing the risk of heart attack has significantly increased from 11% at five years risk of heart attack to 25%.

‼️ A researcher whistleblower from a prestigious British institution cardiology department has claimed that they found something similar linked to the vaccine inflammation from imaging studies around the coronary arteries. They met & decided not to publish their findings because they are concerned about losing research money from pharma. 💰💵💷

‼️ Since July, there’s been almost 10,000 excess non-COVID deaths. A significant proportion of those are being driven by circulatory disease – heart attack and stroke.

‼️ There’s been a 30% increase in people dying at home. Often these are because of cardiac arrests.

‼️ The JCVI should absolutely investigate this.

🇳🇿 VFF believes that the MoH and IMAC should independently investigate these findings here in NZ as well. Now!

www.voicesforfreedom.co.nz/stay-informed 🙌