“No No You Guys, THIS US-Backed Military Coup Is Perfectly Legitimate!”

KW: Another U.S. backed military coup, this time in Bolivia. You haven’t heard much about this because so far our media has not got past Trumps outrageous crimes in ‘seeking dirt on Joe Biden for political purposes’. And rightly so too as the Bidens are complete crooks blackmailing the Ukrainian government at the time, something…

Schiff’s Impeachment Lynch Mob Signals the End of America’s Two-Party Political System — Strategic Culture

KW: Confused about the Presidential Impeachment acting out in the U.S. Very easily done because our media is in 100% tow of mainstream U.S. media that is still portraying Trump as an evil villain that has to be got rid of whilst misssing the glaring point that the impeachment Hearing is a jackup driven by…

The REAL inconvenient truth: Polar bears thriving in spite of climate change, but saying this gets scientists fired

KW: RT reports. Polar bears have become the poster child for climate change, their population supposedly devastated by shrinking ice cover. But when one zoologist disproved the myth, she came under the inquisition of the climate church. Zoologist and polar bear expert Susan Crockford was shunned by the academy for her insistence that despite the…

Pentagon Claims US Authority to Shoot Any Syrian Govt Official Who Tries to Take Control of Syrian Oil | Common Dreams News

KW: Have any doubts about the massive stupidity of American thinking that rages in the Pentagon, the White House, the Republican and Democratic parties, the Police, indeed anywhere on anyone who has a gun? This story  makes me feel sick that so many psychos make up the U.S. establishment. Why doesn’t Assad ask Russia to…

“CBS Sided With A Pedophile”: Network Fires Staffer Who Had Access To Robach-Epstein Rant | Zero Hedge

KW: Of course you do when some of your mates may be implicated in pedophilia. https://www.kiwiwatch.org.nz/we-had-clinton-we-had-everything-abcs-epstein-coverup-exposed-by-ped-news-anchor-in-project-veritas-leak-rt-usa-news/ “It was unbelievable what we had, Clinton, we had everything.” Source: “CBS Sided With A Pedophile”: Network Fires Staffer Who Had Access To Robach-Epstein Rant | Zero Hedge