India Joins China In Defying Trump, Will Allow Imports Of Iranian Oil | Zero Hedge

KW: The financial war of the U.S. against everyone else leaves countries being affected by U.S. sanctions and tarrifs with a choice: yield to American (Trump) demands of tell him to’ go f… yourself’ China and India are doing just that ‘”The shipping ministry has given refiners permission to buy Iranian oil on a CIF…

U.S. Will Respond “Swiftly” If Assad Uses Chemical Weapons: White House | Zero Hedge

KW: Amidst the White House Chief of Staff John F Kelly defending claims he called Donald Trump and ‘idiot’ and had ‘gone off the rails’ we have the President of the United States (POTUS) talking up confrontation in Syria to protect the ISIS rebels in Idlib that he has supported all along in the attempted…

In America War Criminals Are Turned Into Heros and “Loving Persons” –

KW: 3 powerfull commentaries about the transformation of John McCain into an American war hero. In America War Criminals Are Turned Into Heros and “Loving Persons” The more I read by Caitlin Johnstone the more I admire her. She is that rarity—a real Source: In America War Criminals Are Turned Into Heros and “Loving Persons”…

US Planned Nuclear Strikes To End China, Soviet Union As “Viable Societies”, Declassified Docs Show | Zero Hedge

KW:Frightening to now find out that there was this completely screwed and twisted thinking back then. More frightening is that it continues unabated today in the present era with equally misguided and psychopathic  people in power such as John Bolton and Mike Pompeo with Nikky Haley at the UN. ….and what about Trump? The planned…

UK: Syrian Terrorists Can’t Possibly Be Planning Chemical Weapons False Flag, Because Russia Said They Are

KW: The quagmire has got a lot deeper in Syria UK: Syrian Terrorists Can’t Possibly Be Planning Chemical Weapons False Flag, Because Russia Said They Are By Caitlin Johnstone In a recent meeting with the press, British ambassador to the United Nations Karen Pierce told reporters that it is absolutely unthinkable that the terrorist factions in…