Leaked Doc Reveals White House Planning “Regime Change” In Iran | Zero Hedge

KW: Once again the U.S.  sets about regime change this time for the Israeli thug Netanyahu and his grand jug of lies. The U.S. did this once before when they installed a puppet, the much hated Shar of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi from 16 September 1941 until his overthrow by the Iranian Revolution on 11 February 1979….

David Stockman Warns: Forget ‘America’, “It’s Deep State First” | Zero Hedge

KW: David Stockman’s Contra Corner isn’t your typical financial tipsheet. Instead it’s an ongoing dialogue about what’s really happening in the markets… the economy… and governments… so you can understand the world around you and make better decisions for yourself. David believes the world — certainly the United States — is at a great inflection point in human…

The New Hitler Is In Washington – PaulCraigRoberts.org

KW: The global slide into authoritarism speeds up and our media doesn’t understand it to be capable of explaining this. Americans clamour for a known profound torturer to be haed of the CIA, Meanwhle the Israelis run amok in Syria and escape unscathed once more The New Hitler Is In Washington https://russia-insider.com/en/cias-next-director-torture-master-tell-me-more-about-americas-human-rights-primacy/ri23411 An Source: The…

Iran Deal Stunt Slams US Reputation: Questions Korean Talks – The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity

KW: Beware KimJong-un! You are dealing with someone and a country that dishonours international deals made and goes back on its word. Do not trust the United States of America or its President. Giving up your nuclear weapon capability will be your downfall and lead to your destruction at the hands of a raging empire…

Warning: Nuclear Deal With Iran Prelude to War, Not “Breakthrough”: Tony Cartalucci 

KW: Trump Flushes what little integrity the U.S. has, down the sewer with his decision today ignoring every other interested party and his allies in the process. How can one man be able to make such a profound decision all by himself? Well he doesn’t, he listens to the twisted thinking of people in The Brookings…