The Gestapo Is Coming for Julian Assange –

KW: And the shame also rests on the Australian Government a submissive puppet to U.S. policy. Assange is an Australian whom they have abandoned to the pool of sharks. Noted journaist John Pilger also an Australian has campaigned tirelessly for Assange. If we allow them to imprison Julian Assange for practicing journalism, that’s it. It’s over. We…

What if Zero Interest Rates Are the New Normal? by Adair Turner – Central Banks are Trapped – Project Syndicate

KW: The Fed cut interest rates to zero in 2008 in a frenzied response to the financial crisis. When that was not enough to stop the panic, so the Fed began quantitative easing, or QE, which lifted the stock market. The Fed began raising rates in Dec. 2015 and began quantitative tightening (QT) in Oct. 2017….

Russia Establishes Attack Helicopter School In Venezuela | Zero Hedge

KW: Doesn’t seem lke the Russians are listening very hard to what Trump and Bolton are saying. ‘Get out of Venezuela’ has fallen on deaf ears? One Mi-35M2 combat helicopter can deliver special forces to an area, providing fire support if necessary and evacuating the team after the mission is fulfilled. Source: Russia Establishes Attack Helicopter…