Who Owns the World? – Guest Post by Alan Hamilton, Australia

Who Owns the World? Dec 7, 2015 A little while back I wrote an article entitled Digital Colonialism[1] which made the case that the ‘data-grab’ currently underway in the digital world is reminiscent of the ‘land-grab’ that occurred in the New World during the age of European colonialism. I argued that as wealth migrates from the physical…

Digital Colonialism: Guest Article by Alan Hamilton, Australia

Digital Colonialism Nov 4, 2015 Welcome to the New World  The practice of colonialism crosses the globe and reaches far back in time. The ancient history of Asia, Europe and Africa has been marked by great internal colonizations. The modern form of colonialism (European State colonialism) began in the 15th century with the “Age of Discovery”…

San Bernadino shooting story shot full of holes by patsies’ attorney

More and more we learn of inconsistencies in mainstream media stories about ‘terror attacks’. Was the San Bernadino shootings another ‘false flag’ attack? Graphic. Is the government lying? Who was responsible for the “gun battle?”  According to this report the patsies were summarily executed. I am sure there is more to come out. Source: San…

NATO’s absurd denials amid acts of war in Syria — RT Op-Edge

Acclaimed freelance journalist Finian Cunningham writes about the latest development in Syria potentially leading to war directly between Russia and the West/NATO In two weeks we have seen two apparent acts of war by the US-led NATO military alliance in Syria. First, the Turkish shoot-down of a Russian warplane inside Syrian airspace; now this week…

Bloomberg Commodity Index Crashes To 16-Year Low – 22% Below 2009 Trough | Zero Hedge

Source: Bloomberg Commodity Index Crashes To 16-Year Low – 22% Below 2009 Trough | Zero Hedge One thing that financial commentators the world over seem to be agreeing on is that there is a market ‘collapse’ coming. What there is divergence on is what the outcome of this collapse will be and so predicting such…

Russia to become a global leader in non GMO food production?

Here in New Zealand the National government is taking us into the TPP that will empower global corporates like Monsanto and other food producing giants like Nestle’ and Heinz enabling them to challenge local and national laws in offshore tribunals outside the jurisdiction of New Zealand courts. In Hawke’s Bay we have seen the local…