Malaysia’s Dr. Mahathir goes for gold | New Straits Times | Malaysia General Business Sports and Lifestyle News

KW: The Malaysian Prime Minister’s call for a new monetary system in Asia is all about attempting to break away from the use of the U.S. dollar as the internationally accepted way of doing international trading. Already for Malaysia it has cost them their international airline (Malasian Airlines) that has experienced a sabotage crash (MH17)…

You’re coming! Trump threatens China with immediate tariffs if Xi Jinping does not attend G20 — RT Business News

KW: American bulllyingand boasting has sunk to a new low. CNBC reported that Trump boasted “Had a Democrat gotten in… China would have caught us by the end of her term. They’re nowhere close, they’ll never catch us,” Trump said China has “lost many many trillions of dollars” since he was elected president. Of course this is…

Russia, China Prepare To Dump Dollar, Agree To Bilateral Trade In National Currencies | Zero Hedge

KW: Interesting to read that Russian Prime Minister Medvedev now says that it is good thing having U.S sanctions imposed as it is forcing them to do something they should have done 10 years ago!!! RT reports:- Russia and China took another step away from the US dollar after the two countries agreed to develop bilateral…

Malaysia’s Mahathir proposes common East Asia currency pegged to gold – Reuters

KW: There is increasing rebellion amongst global leaders particularly Asia- mid East due to the over bearing bulling and economic threat the U.S poses to global economies. The movement away from the dollar-based international monetary system is gathering speed. The latest move comes from Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad. Last week he promoted the idea of…

China says U.S. demand on its state-owned enterprises is ‘invasion’ on economic sovereignty – Reuters

KW: China-U.S relations:It’s not just about trade anymore it’s a new cold war. The stock market seems to rise or fall almost daily based on the latest news from the front lines of the trade wars. When Trump threatens new tariffs and China threatens to retaliate in kind, stocks fall. When Trump delays the tariffs…

Chinese President Xi Jinping sounds Long March rallying call as US trade war tensions rise | South China Morning Post

KW: You’ve heard about “rare earths.” These are 17 chemical elements with names including cerium, erbium, europium and other little-known metals. Certain rare earth minerals are formed from combinations of these rare earth elements. Despite the designation as rare earths, they are not actually that rare. In fact, some are quite plentiful in the Earth’s crust….

‘Stupid economics’: Attack on Huawei tells world to avoid doing business with US – Prof. Wolff — RT Business News

KW: Nothing too far fetched with this statement from Professor Wolf. The question remaining is will it impact the thinking of New Zealands farming industry that currently sells a lot of beef to the U.S.? The US has underestimated the consequences of the attack on Chinese telecom giant Huawei as it sends a strong signal…