U.S. Tries to Kick Iran Out of Global Payments System. It May Be Too Late.

KW: In 2013, the U.S. successfully kicked Iran out of the global payments system called SWIFT, (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications). SWIFT in the nerve center of the global financial network. All major banks transfer all major currencies using the SWIFT message system. The U.S. had previously banned Iran from the dollar payments system…

Sanctions, Sanctions, Sanctions – The Final Demise of Dollar Hegemony?: Peter Koenig: Information Clearing House

KW: Koenig is an experienced and knowledgable scribe, previously working with the World Bank and World Health Organisation. You can tell he is at a point of maximum frustration with the way the Empire is operating right now. And still the markets reach new highs. What could possibly go wrong? Sanctions, Sanctions, Sanctions – The…

Stockman Slams “Unhinged” White House, Warns Of “World Market…Train Wreck” | Zero Hedge

KW: Stockman is right. Venezuela is in chaos , Turkey, a NATO ally,  is unrepentantly sinking due to sanctions and currnency failure of the Lira, China, Russia north Korea and Iran are all targets of Trump’s two faced approach to global issues. For example saying we need to get on with Russia on the one…