The New Hitler Is In Washington –

KW: The global slide into authoritarism speeds up and our media doesn’t understand it to be capable of explaining this. Americans clamour for a known profound torturer to be haed of the CIA, Meanwhle the Israelis run amok in Syria and escape unscathed once more The New Hitler Is In Washington An Source: The…

How Neocons Turned American Jews Against Russia. Video of Israeli attack on USS Liberty –

KW: Trump has cowtowed to neocon/Israeli pressure (although he has always argued against the Iran deal) and cancelled an agreement that is supported by his Western allies that will lead to war with Iran either by Israel itself or most likely (once more) the U.S. doing Israels dirty work once more where Americans will die…

American Officials Continue to Make Laughing Stocks of Themselves –

KW: American Officials Continue to Make Laughing Stocks of Themselves Paul Craig Roberts. I remember when a person who claimed to believe something for which there was no evidence was either a religious fanatic or an ideologue.  No serious person would express a conviction when there was no evidence to support it. Here is “Mad…