The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Americans Are Going to be Disappointed in Election Outcome

KW: An interesting and thoughtful commentary about the state of American politics from a man who cares. Read the Ron Paul commentary and then view the video to understand why the U.S. is so troubled Source: The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Americans Are Going to be Disappointed in Election Outcome  

Malaysian PM Najib Razak indicted in multi-billion dollar embezzlement scandal, is seeking immunity in exchange for testimony against the Rothschilds | Satu Insan – Malaysia

KW: The real story here is in the additional link that is within the link below. Incredible it is but “Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch announced today the filing of civil forfeiture complaints seeking the forfeiture and recovery of more than $1 billion in assets associated with an international conspiracy to launder funds misappropriated from…

Russia Defeats Terrorism… While America Hails a Freak Show: Finian Cunningham

KW: Western media ignores completely reporting of facts on subjects that should truth become widely known then (normally) uproar would result. But hundreds of thousands of deaths in far away (Arab) lands does not enter the psyche of nearly all of us becasue our governments could not possibly be committing any crime, right? Quite simply…

Why the Failed Coup in Turkey Will Bring Down the European Union: Stephen McBride: The New Abnormal

KW: This fellow Stephen McBride currently lives in New Zealand but is joining forces with an organisation called Garret/Galland Research soon so will be off somewhere else. It is an interesting discussion. Why the Failed Coup in Turkey Will Bring Down the European Union By Stephen McBride The New Abnormal Since the attempted putsch on…

Barack Obama, Assassin-In-Chief

KW: Image of the Day. Nobel Peace Winner and  soon to be ex President of the United States of America Barack Obama boasted back in 2012 that he was ‘really good at killing people’ link: ( Dozens of drone strikes in Pakistan (officially against suspected terrorists) against innocent civilians justifiably enrages the likes of former…

Clinton Cash: “Devastating” Documentary Reveals How Clintons Went From “Dead Broke” To Mega Wealthy : Zerohedge

KW: Just in case anyone in the U.S. is looking at this site (and there are quite a number) and particularly anyone outside of the U.S. who view this site and you are complacently accepting the positive spin about Hillary Clinton from our (U.S. sourced media feeds) compared to the negative stories about Trump then…

We May Be at a Greater Risk of Nuclear Catastrophe Than During the Cold War – FPIF

KW: Sobering reading and no doubt an accurate picture of reality. No Where in mainstream are we being alerted to this risk when even high ranking U.S. military generals now speak about it. Astounding increases in the danger of nuclear weapons have paralleled provocative foreign policy decisions that needlessly incite tensions between Washington and Moscow….

The Atlantic Council: The Marketing Arm of the Military/Security Complex — Paul Craig Roberts –

KW: Heard of The Atlantic Council? I bet not. Make sure you open the link in Roberts’ article about The Atlantic Council. It will make you squirm. The Atlantic Council: The Marketing Arm of the Military/Security Complex Paul Craig Roberts How much did the military-security complex pay the Atlantic Cou Source: The Atlantic Council: The…