Washington’s ‘Bravado’ Risks Sparking War With Moscow

British Diplomat Alistair Crooke points out that Washington mentality is forcing a confrontation between the US and Moscow The US political establishment views the world along black and white lines, which could lead to a (possibly military) confrontation with Russia, British diplomat Alastair Crooke asserted. Source: Washington’s ‘Bravado’ Risks Sparking War With Moscow

Syria Right to Hit NATO Warplanes

This article by Finnian Cunningham published on Information Clearing House (http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/) is thought provoking about the potential calamity that could still unfold in Syria. The only country with the legal right to be fighting ISIS terrorists in Syria is Russia who are present at the invitation of the only legal government in Syria, that of…

US Terrorism Denounced by Drone Pilots

Former Drone Pilots Denounce ‘Morally Outrageous’ Program By Jake Heller December 09, 2015 “Information Clearing House” – “NBC” – Former Air Force airmen are speaking out against America’s use of drone warfare, calling the military drone program “morally outrageous” and “one of the most devastating driving forces for terrorism and destabilization around the world.” In…

San Bernadino shooting story shot full of holes by patsies’ attorney

More and more we learn of inconsistencies in mainstream media stories about ‘terror attacks’. Was the San Bernadino shootings another ‘false flag’ attack? Graphic. Is the government lying? Who was responsible for the “gun battle?”  According to this report the patsies were summarily executed. I am sure there is more to come out. Source: San…

NATO’s absurd denials amid acts of war in Syria — RT Op-Edge

Acclaimed freelance journalist Finian Cunningham writes about the latest development in Syria potentially leading to war directly between Russia and the West/NATO In two weeks we have seen two apparent acts of war by the US-led NATO military alliance in Syria. First, the Turkish shoot-down of a Russian warplane inside Syrian airspace; now this week…

Russia Sends NATO A Clear Message By Arming Fighter Jets With First Air-To-Air Missles | Zero Hedge

“Today, Russian Su-34 fighter-bombers have made their first sortie equipped not only with high explosive aviation bombs and hollow charge bombs, but also with short- and medium-range air-to-air missiles The planes are equipped with missiles for defensive purposes.” Source: Russia Sends NATO A Clear Message By Arming Fighter Jets With First Air-To-Air Missles | Zero…

‘Worse Than We Thought’: TPP A Total Corporate Power Grab Nightmare | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community

“Worse than anything we could’ve imagined.” “An act of climate denial.” “Giveaway to big agribusiness.” “A death warrant for the open Internet.” “Worst nightmare.” “A disaster.” As expert analysis of the long-shrouded, newly publicized TransPacific Partnership (TPP) final text continued to roll out on Thursday, consensus formed around one fundamental assessment of the 12-nation pact:…