KW: Image of the Day.

Nobel Peace Winner and  soon to be ex President of the United States of America Barack Obama boasted back in 2012 that he was ‘really good at killing people’ link: (

Dozens of drone strikes in Pakistan (officially against suspected terrorists) against innocent civilians justifiably enrages the likes of former international cricketer Imran Khan who has been interviewed standing among blown up mud houses looking at blown up body fragments, once a family doing their best to get on with life. It has been calculated that for every actual terrorist targeted and killed that 49 innocent people are killed too.  Total numbers killed is way in excess of 5,000 people. These strikes also have an effect on the drone controllers back in their air-conditioned bases in Mid West America whose personnel see the blood ooze from these innocent people from infra-red imagery leading to many suicides becasue they can’t deal with what they are expected to do. Well serves them right but what a legacy eh?

Obama authorises these drone strikes mostly on Tuesdays he says, so if you think you are even possibly a target best to be away on Wednesdays.



To give you some idea, check out the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START), which bills itself “a center of excellence of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security based at the University of Maryland.” Compiled the following graphs from their terrorism database:

Recorded instances of terrorism

Notice anything?

Right. Whatever you want to call it, the so-called “war on terror” clearly has not resulted in less violence, and instead created exponentially more terrorist attacks. Though there’s not enough data to extrapolate how much violence around the world is a direct result of our evil space robots and the Goldblum-esque retaliations they provoke, it’s safe to say that blow back happens pretty regularly.