Whats John Key up to ? PM John Key prepares to fight for TPP at Apec – National – NZ Herald News

KW: Whats John Key up to? Is he so enmeshed into the globalist New World Order rhetoric and beliefs that he alone is going to create TPPA alone? This is outrageous. The second article below demonstrates what we are talking about. Obama is on a ‘sure up’ tour reinforcing what he has been leading and…

Why did MFat contribute to Clinton’s pay for play scam? – Whale Oil Beef Hooked | Whaleoil Media

KW: Fellow New Zealanders, this is disgraceful but so non surprising as John Key is entwined into the gloabalist policies of the Clintons/Obamas and the oligachy powers that want to contol the world through mechanisms like TPPA and and other so called ‘trade’ agreements. He is quite happy putting those objectives before the interests of…