Why did MFat contribute to Clinton’s pay for play scam? – Whale Oil Beef Hooked | Whaleoil Media

KW: Fellow New Zealanders, this is disgraceful but so non surprising as John Key is entwined into the gloabalist policies of the Clintons/Obamas and the oligachy powers that want to contol the world through mechanisms like TPPA and and other so called ‘trade’ agreements. He is quite happy putting those objectives before the interests of New Zealanders. Of course Trump has stuffed this up but expect that oligarchy to fight back dirty and manipulate significant market chaos and blame it on Trump. The xtent of their powers is in the previous article (video) of Rob Kirby telling us the paper gold of 8,000 tons was sold after it was apparant Trump was going to win. Thats ALL the gold held by the U.S. government in reserves at Fort Knox ( assuming it’s still there) in one hit. They are prepared to go for broke. Lets not think smiler John Key is always on our side, he’s not!

Embed from Getty Images Why did MFat contribute to Clinton’s pay for play scam charity? Perhaps Murray McCully can answer that? NBR reports: Lobby group the Taxpayers’ Union is calling on the Minister of Foreign Affairs to explain Mfat’s multimillion dollar donations to a charity with links to defeated presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. A recent […]

Source: Why did MFat contribute to Clinton’s pay for play scam? – Whale Oil Beef Hooked | Whaleoil Media