The Downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 and the New Cold War with Russia | Global Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

KW: Unbelievable! “However, the official investigations into the MH17 disaster, formally delegated to the Netherlands, were profoundly compromised by granting the coup government in Kiev a veto over any outcomes, a novelty in history of aviation disaster investigation that was considered shameful even in Ukraine.” Say no more. Source: The Downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight…

As Marijuana Business Soars, Could Big Tobacco Become Big Cannabis?

KW: Refreshingly lets talk about something other than alleged poisonings and war. Still controversial however, is the growing global decriminalisation of marijuana with Canada due to be the first whole country to legalise pot for recreational use on June 7th virtually all the investment wise guys are urging investors to get abourd the exploding ‘marijuana…