Serial numbers of missile that downed MH17 show it was produced in 1986, owned by Ukraine – Russia — RT World News

KW: The west was immediate in blaming Russia for the shooting down of Malasian Airlines MH17. At the time I was aware that Russia was immediate in presenting its radar data to the world whilst Ukraine presented nothing, indeed the story went that the Spanish radar controler stationed in Keiv disappeared without trace never to…

An economic recovery based around high debt is really no recovery | Larry Elliott | Business | The Guardian

KW: There is a lot of ‘well informed’ people predicting gloom and doom and tht is easy to do. Other evidence points to more prosperous times continuing. I look at just how much debt has been issued to corporations buying back their own shares, 100’s of billions worth of debt now on company balance sheets…

US Diplomats Involved In Trafficking Of Human Blood And Pathogens For Secret Military Program | Zero Hedge

KW: With all the fuss about the skripal poisoning in the UK with a long finger pointed at Russia, particularly Vladimir Putin, the Western condemnation being profound of course chemical and bioogical weapons wouldn’t be found in the west would they? Well not in the USA but lets build these tragic death centres in places…

Denouncing Obama : By Professor Francis A. Boyle

KW: Eventually the truth comes out about everything. Just avoid mainstream media! Denouncing Obama By Professor Francis A. Boyle University of Illinois College of Law, Before the Foellinger Auditorium, September 7, 2018 (Transcript revised) September 14, 2018 “Information Clearing House“ –  I am Francis Boyle, Professor of Law here at the College of Law. I’m the Senior Professor…

How To Explain The Cause Of The Syrian War In 2 Minutes – Brilliant!| Zero Hedge

KW: Thanks to the person (Bruce) who reminded me about this posts’ whereabouts, I had missed it. The 2 minute interview is here, the  explanation in the ZeroHedge link. It stirs immediate rebuke from a psychophant in Philidelphia, but let the video link run on to hear Jimmy Dore add more to it. Professor Jeffrey Sachs…

In Fiery Speech, Hungary PM Slams EU: “You Condemn Us Because We Are Not A Nation Of Migrants” | Zero Hedge

KW: Stand up and cheer for a politician demanding the principles he was elected on in his own country be respected by his European ‘collegues’ in the European Parliament. Regrettably the real owners and their proxies don’t want this; they want division and a mess instead, like they created in Sweden where parasites like billionaire…