‘Our goal is to end invasion’: Taliban seeks talks with US on NATO troop withdrawal — RT World News

KW: After all the billions of $’s spent on invading Afghanistan after 16 Saudi’s allegedly attacked the Twin Towers with hijacked passenger jets they couldn’t fly on 9/11, the logic of which escapes me right now, (oh, thats right Osama bin Laden was allegedly holed up a mountain cave in Afghanistan and using his cell…

Three Israeli Critics Elected to Congress Won’t Change a Thing – Stephen Lendman

KW: Stephen Lendman Reports Newly Elected Democratic Radicals Have Already Collapsed Under Jewish Pressure.. but we already know that American politics is dominated by Israel for Zionism rather then whats best for Americans in the U.S. Three Israeli Critics Elected to Congress Won’t Change a Thing by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.org – Home – Stephen Lendman) Bipartisan…

Chaos At Polls As Voting Machines Malfunction; Frustrating Delays Plague Midterms | Zero Hedge

KW: Third world chaos hits America. Hundreds of now deceased people have been found to be still eligible to vote in LA county with one dead man voting in multiple elections years after he died. Ted Cruz was overheard joking ‘Everyopne knows the Dead vote Democrat’ “Many have been waiting since 6am” Source: Chaos At Polls As…

Pompeo warns of ‘severe, swift punishment’ & ‘painful business’ with Iran as sanctions reinstated — RT US News

KW: Anyone not aware that a war is raging in the middle east is surley blind to the facts but…. As fast as Pompeo and the like rage economic war the faster new ways of trade pop up to circumventilate the dollar hegemeony imposed by the likes of Pompeo. The hatered behind and driving these…