Over 700 ‘Black Vest’ Migrants Occupy Paris Pantheon Demanding Citizenship | Zero Hedge

KW: While western media gorges itself on the titilating but seriously damaging facts relating to Epsteins arrest for child trafficing and underag sex charges serious stuff is damaging our society and it’s history. Here in Paris black migrants take over one of the important sites in Paris to further their demands. Meanwhile in Sweden it…

Justice Integrity Report – Welcome To Waterbury: The City That Holds Secrets That Could Bring Down Trump

KW: The Jeffrey Epstein case gets no traction here in NZ but in the U.S. its starting to take hold even in very conservative circles like Greg Hunter’s USA Watchdog site (https://usawatchdog.com/epstein-sex-web-exposed-trump-social-media-summit-inflation-coming/) where he skims over the issues rather superficially dismissing Trump being involved in anything cynister becasue he is a Trump fan (and Clinton…

Bombshell Claim: Scientists Find “Man-made Climate Change Doesn’t Exist In Practice” | Zero Hedge

KW: …. and just to really confuse you as if Trump/Bolton/Pompeo and the Jeffrey Epstein scandal is not enough to explode your mind, maybe global warming is also phoney? Research teams in Finland & Japan conclude “practically no anthropogenic [man-made] climate change” after series of studies. Source: Bombshell Claim: Scientists Find “Man-made Climate Change Doesn’t Exist In…