Justice Integrity Report – Welcome To Waterbury: The City That Holds Secrets That Could Bring Down Trump

KW: The Jeffrey Epstein case gets no traction here in NZ but in the U.S. its starting to take hold even in very conservative circles like Greg Hunter’s USA Watchdog site (https://usawatchdog.com/epstein-sex-web-exposed-trump-social-media-summit-inflation-coming/) where he skims over the issues rather superficially dismissing Trump being involved in anything cynister becasue he is a Trump fan (and Clinton hater). However, this story is huge because it is out there having already been supressed once already so we can naturally expect that blackmail is involved and some one is calling in their investments right now. Could it be as Paul Craig Roberts enquires that the war with Iran will be ignited? (https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2019/07/12/political-collapse-or-war/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=political_collapse_or_war&utm_term=2019-07-12) or just political collapse?

Congress has just reclaimed its place as the only authority that can decalre war in the U.S. (https://www.rt.com/usa/464050-congress-amendment-iran-war/) and this will upset Israel and its servants John Bolton and Mike Pompeo who have been goading Trump to get stuck in for some time now. The plot is really dirty; is nation states involved?…. and at the front of it is all the innocent children that have been arped and used as sex toys by the rich and powerful. The report below is pretty powerful stuff written as it is by Wayne Madsen & Andrew Kreig both of who have solid reputations.

Source: Justice Integrity Report – Welcome To Waterbury: The City That Holds Secrets That Could Bring Down Trump